Android News Technology8 Best Marketing Podcasts to Listen in 2023William KJanuary 6, 2023 by William KJanuary 6, 20230230 2023 is the year for businesses! So, if you pay heed to your marketing techniques, then no force can stop you from becoming number one....
Android News TechnologyHow to Change the Default CameraWilliam KOctober 16, 2022 by William KOctober 16, 20220246 If you’re like most people, you use your phone’s Camera quite a bit. There may come a time, however, when you want to use a...
Android News TechnologyMonoprice 110010 Headphones ReviewWilliam KOctober 15, 2022 by William KOctober 15, 20220279 Headphones are a necessary part of anyone’s technology arsenal, but with so many different types and brands on the market, it can be difficult to...
Android TechnologyXfinity Modem Blinking GreenWilliam KOctober 5, 2022 by William KOctober 5, 20220240 If you’re using an Xfinity modem, you may have noticed that it has been blinking green lately. Don’t worry, and you’re not going crazy –...
Android News TechnologyHow to Reset the Xfinity RouterWilliam KOctober 5, 2022 by William KOctober 5, 20220247 Your Comcast Xfinity router is subject to occasional resets. When this happens, your Internet and home network are unavailable until you reconfigure the device. Resetting...
Android News TechnologyHow to Tell if Your Android Phone is FakeWilliam KJune 16, 2022 by William KJune 16, 20220232 If you’re like most people, you probably use your Android phone every day without giving it a second thought. But what if you’ve been using...
Android News TechnologyHow to Record Internal Audio on AndroidWilliam KJune 16, 2022 by William KJune 16, 20220238 Do you need to record a meeting, or interview for work? Maybe you want to capture some audio on your travels. Whatever the reason, recording...
Android News TechnologySystem UI has Stopped WorkingWilliam KJune 16, 2022 by William KJune 16, 20220238 Since the release of Android 4.4, some users have experienced a problem where the system UI has stopped working. This can be a big issue,...
Android News TechnologyGoogle Play Download PendingWilliam KJune 16, 2022 by William KJune 16, 20220226 If you’re like me, you use your phone for just about everything. Checking email, browsing the web, watching Netflix, and playing games – I do...
Android News TechnologyAmazon app not Working in Android/iOSWilliam KJune 16, 2022 by William KJune 16, 20220241 If you’re an Amazon Prime member, you may have noticed that the Amazon app hasn’t been working lately. We’ve got the fix for you! Keep...